- Some citation manuals require parenthetical citation, which occur in the running text at the end of the sentence you're citing.
- Some manuals, however, require endnotes or footnotes. To insert an endnote or footnote click on the "references" tab then click "insert footnote" or "insert endnote," which is in the top right corner of the footnotes box.
- Footnotes are the default note style in Microsoft Word, but check to see what your assignment requires. Many journals are starting to require long form endnotes over short form and footnotes so that a Bibliography or Works Cited page isn't required.
- If you use endnotes and you want to change them from Roman numerals to Arabic numerals, click the small corner arrow on the bottom right of the footnotes box and select "1, 2, 3,..." in the number format menu. You can also convert your footnotes to endnotes or vice versa in this window.
- You can also use the Citations & Bibliography box to enter parenthetical citations and format your bibliography.
- If you click "insert citation" you can click "add new source" to add the information for a new citation or choose a source that you have already entered.
- You can also auto generate a bibliography from this box by clicking "bibliography" and then selecting which list style you want.
** If you want to use a more customizable software program to manage your sources, citations, and bibliography look at the Zotero Guide. It can save your PDFs, auto format citations and bibliographies, and offers more updated citation manuals than word processors.