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RCE 620: Theories and Techniques of Counseling: Title Page

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Formatting Your APA Title Page in Microsoft Word

Table of Contents for Screenshot Instructions

Font, Font Size, Line Spacing, and Paragraph Spacing

*Your whole paper needs to be double-spaced in Times New Roman with a 12 pt font size!

To modify the style of your entire Word document, right-click on the Normal style option.

In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Modify.

In the Modify Style pop-up window that appears, click on the current font name [(Calibri (Body) is the default].
In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Times New Roman [font names are listed alphabetically].

In the Modify Style pop-up window, click on the current font size [11 is the default].
In the drop-down menu that appears, click on 12.

In the Modify Style pop-up window, click on the third Line Spacing symbol to double-space your document.

In the Modify Style pop-up window, click on the second Paragraph Spacing symbol TWICE to remove the spacing.

Make sure that your modified style matches this one!

  • Times New Roman
  • 12 pt
  • Line spacing: Double
  • Paragraph spacing: If it says either Before or After, you still have paragraph spacing!

In the Modify Style pop-up window, click on the OK button to apply your changes.

Page Numbers and Header (Running Head)

Make sure that you insert your Page Numbers before inserting your Header!

To insert Page Numbers, click on the Insert thread.

In the Header & Footer section, click on Page Number.

In the drop-down menu that appears, hover your mouse over Top of Page.

In the drop-down menu that appears, click on Plain Number 3.

The Page Number should appear in the top right-hand corner of your Word document.
However, according to APA style, the Title Page needs a different Header than the rest of the paper.

In the Options section, click on Different First Page.

The Page Number will disappear, so you'll have to reinsert it using the above steps.

Insert your Running head: SHORT TITLE [do NOT make it bold in your Word document].

The Running head is a shortened version of your paper's title and should be less than 50 characters long: including letters, spaces between words, and any punctuation marks.

Use the Tab key on your keyboard until your Running head: SHORT TITLE is aligned to the left side of the page.

You should only have to use the Tab key once or twice!

In the Close section, click on Close Header and Footer.


Your title shouldn't be any longer than 12 words and shouldn't include any of these words/phrases:
method; results; a study of; an experimental investigation of; etc.

Align your title in the center of the page by clicking on the Center paragraph option.

Your title should appear in the top half of the page.

Use the Enter or Return key on your keyboard approximately 5 times; then insert the following information:

  • Title
  • Your Name
  • Thomas University [Your Institution]