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EDU 610: Educational Research: Library Catalog

Accessing the Library Catalog

In addition to scholarly items, the TU Library's circulating collection includes DVDs, audiobooks, graphic novels, and children's and young adult books.

  1. Use this search bar to find an item by title, author, subject, etc.
    • A basic search will default to searching libraries worldwide.
    • Your results will contain books, eBooks, articles, audiovisual materials, etc.
  2. Before searching, you can limit your results to a specific format by clicking on either the Books and eBooks or Articles tab.
  3. After searching, you can limit your results to items owned by the TU Library by selecting Thomas University under the Library heading on the left-hand side of the screen.
    • To narrow down the format, click on either eBook or Article/Chapter under the Format heading.

If you ever need an item that the library doesn't own, fill out the following ILL Request Form, and the library will try to borrow a copy for you.