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Thomas University Library & Learning Commons Policies


The Thomas University Library and Learning Commons wishes to maintain a high level of rigor, focus, and interaction during appointments. Failure to follow the Code of Conduct during online Zoom appointments can result in the immediate termination of the session and/or loss of privilege to these services. Students enrolled in programs with disposition requirements may be reported to the appropriate division. 


  • Your web camera and audio must be on at all times.

  • Appointments must be conducted in an environment free of distractions.

    • Do not allow children, roommates, classmates or pets to come in and out of the room in which you are Zooming.

    • Do NOT DRIVE while Zooming.  This is not safe!

    • Do not attend appointments while at work or in a public location.

  • Remain alert, attentive, and focused on the class activities and instruction.

    • Do not lie down, watch television, check your phone messages repeatedly or get up out of your seat repeatedly to conduct other activities, such as cooking or babysitting/taking care of children, etc. while Zooming.

  • Participate fully in the session.

  • Be respectful of your tutor or librarian's time.

    • Be on time! Tutors and librarians have the right to terminate a session if you are more than 5 minutes late.

    • Cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance or make sure to contact the LLC ( if you are not able to make the meeting. 

    • Arriving late and/or missing appointments (3) times may result in loss of privilege to use our services.

  • Use the correct, quality technology that is required.

    • Test your technology to make sure your video, sound and connection work properly.