Drop In Writing Tutoring
Best for:
- Generic questions related to:
- Grammar
- Citations
- Research Paper Structure
- The Writing Process
How to Prepare:
- Develop a concise question
What to Expect:
- A writing tutor will answer your question as thoroughly and quickly as possible via the Ask-a-Tutor chat.
- In some cases, a tutor may require more time to answer your question thoughtfully and will create a ticket so that they can respond to you at a later time.
- If your question is not generic in nature and the tutor determines that they cannot answer your question via chat then they will provide you with a Zoom link to meet for a One-on-One tutoring session.
- Tutors will not edit or proofread your paper for you.

One-on-One Writing Tutoring
Best for:
- Starting the Writing Process
- Creating an Outline
- Editing Help
- Proofreading Help
How to Prepare:
- Bring a copy of the assignment instructions
- Do not wait until the last minute to make an appointment
- Complete all research before you meet with a writing tutor. For help with your research, Make an Appointment with a Librarian.
What to Expect:
- Tutors will not edit or proofread your paper for you
- Writing tutors will guide you through the process of revision first and then walk you through the proofreading process

Practice Makes Perfect Workshops
Best for:
- Non-assignment related questions
- Developing skills
How to Prepare:
- Register for the workshop
- Do any recommended pre-readings
- Put a reminder in your planner or on your phone
What to Expect:
- Hands on learning experience
- Confidence building exercises